Make Resolutions To Help Solve Cash Advance And Credit Card Debt

October 20, 2017 Off By

Make Resolutions To Help Solve Cash Advance and Credit Card Debt


Holly Petherbridge

A New Year is like starting over, so why not pay off credit cards, cash advances and work at rebuilding your credit? Take a close look at your financial situation and work at rebuilding your financial future to something which may support your future needs. Don\’t sweat it if you haven\’t started yet, a New Year does not have to follow the calendar, start it now!

When it comes to paying off debt, there are different approaches. Find the one which works best for your financial situation. If you owe money to a direct cash advance lender then you will want to pay them off first. These loans have shorter term periods so the high interest attached to the balance will accrue much faster than a credit card. Once short-term loans are paid off, take a close look at your credit card debt. Since this figure is most often the larger than short-term loan, you will want to look at more than just interest.

*Make a spreadsheet and enter the company, how much is owed, the minimum payment and interest rate.


*If you have any cards with similar balances, order them by interest rates.

*Decide if you want to pay largest or smallest balance first. The interest rate will help order those of similar numbers.

Some people like to pay off the largest debt first. It is their mission to take on the giant and the rest will be a piece of cake. Others will take on the small debt to lessen the amount of payments out each month. There is an instant gratification to the latter approach therefore will tend to have a larger success rate for many people.

While you are working at paying off the old debt, the last thing you want to do is acquire new. Closing credits cards is not a positive approach to helping raise a credit score and neither is applying for new ones. It doesn\’t matter how good the deals or rewards are used as incentive to apply for one, raising your credit score will be the best prize in the long run. It will take restraint, but keep reminding yourself of the light at the end of the tunnel. Steer away from a cash advance just to avoid the extra cost in fees. It will be better for your budgeted costs in the long run.

Once you have a new budget in the works, make a category for saving. Maybe you will only be able to afford $10 a month at first, but something is always better than nothing when it comes to building your finances. Cut back on grocery items that are bought impulsively or limit tips to the coffee shop. Put that money into your savings at any time. Some savings accounts will charge a fee if you go over the allotted withdrawal transactions, but you can deposit as often as you like. Like to see your money grow? Get a big jar up on the shelf and put the money in it instead. Use that jar as a reminder to save save save. Once it is filled, deposit the cash into your savings to see your budget soar. It is amazing to see how fast small amounts add up.

Set your resolutions and follow through, it is never too late to start. It is the best way to get your out of debt.

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